Igelkott's Native 16K360 Test & Training Package

Size: Native 16K360
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This is a 360 video, drag and look around in the player.

Our One-Lens 16K360 test & training package, which includes real-world plates, was created after four years of extensive research and development. We released it to fulfill the demand for a comprehensive resource that can help you test and train downloading, ingesting, setting up your server, playback, and live grading. Our package offers 30 minutes of day and 40 minutes of night plates that you can use to sharpen your skills. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become an expert in your field - get our package today!

File size 16K: 100-175GB per file

Projection: Equirectangular 360x125 degrees

Framerate: 25

Resolution: 15360x7680

Avrage bitrate: 6500 Mbit/s

File format: Prores 422 HQ & NotchLC

Dynamic range: 15 stops

Gamma: Slog3Gamut3

Shutter angle: 180

POV height from the ground: 140 cm

Shot: Stockholm night & countryside day

Season: Summer

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